“The healing power of energy” Introduction to Reiki with Luna Star Van Atta

How does illness begin? How does healing take place? Luna Star Van Atta, Reiki Master Teacher will share with us the power and process of the Reiki healing method.

This Week’s Guest

Luna Star Van Atta

Luna Star Van Atta died on the operating table in 1984 and met with God. This life-changing event gifted her with extraordinary abilities to Remote View murder cases and missing terrorists and to facilitate healing for her clients. Luna is a Reiki Master Teacher at Sedona Reiki and Readings in Arizona. Luna teaches workshops in Reiki, astral travel and grief release and resolution.

Luna has a master’s degree in Metaphysical Science and is the creator of the Astral Temple TM method of emotional healing. She has been the keynote speaker for Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dannion Brinkley. As a spiritual life coach, Luna incorporates intuitive abilities, Reiki, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other tools to heal the underlying emotional cause of physical illness.

You can contact Luna through her websites at lunavanatta.com, SedonaReikiAndReadings.com or MindfulTransitionsLifeCoaching.com


Listen Now

60 minutes
August 29, 2018
12pm PST/ 3pm EST


In this show, Luna Star Van Atta, a Reiki Master Teacher, delves into the origins of illness and the transformative nature of the Reiki healing method. Having experienced a profound near-death encounter in 1984, where she met with God, Luna gained extraordinary abilities, including Remote Viewing of murder cases and missing terrorists. She shares her insights on the power and process of Reiki, emphasizing its role in facilitating healing for clients.


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