Beyond Proof Radio
Listen and Find Healing & Light
Show Topics
Angie is an experiential storyteller who takes her listeners through her journey through death and loss, which include:
Redefining death and loss.
Creating a new normal.
Honoring each moment; the pain, the sorrow, the hurt, the joy, the wonderment, the awe.
Being gentle with ourselves through every emotional visitor who presents to us.
Creating more joy and finding a deeper meaning when death and loss are presented to us.
Being present when messages appear, offering comfort, love, and peace.
To grieve is a human emotion to loss. To suffer has the potential to become a lifestyle.
Continuing life with our loved ones.
Learning to speak the new language of our loved one through signs and symbols.
Learning to recognize our loved ones without the use of our eyes.
Angie is absolutely convinced, and shares through her experience that our loved ones are never gone. They are just hidden from view.
These radio shows originally aired on Transformation Radio and are archived here for you.
Past Life Regression: Sometimes in order to move forward it is necessary to acknowledge and heal our past life
Listen in as Barbara Snowden shares how Past Life Regression Therapy can heal anything from present-day fears, phobias, relationship issues and medical conditions that are affecting our lives today.
The power of a broken heart... Finding strength and joy through loss
"My loved ones knew they were dying, and all three of them told me. When Heather said, "Mommy, I'm going to die this year," I heard, but I didn’t listen. When Holly jotted her note on the way toward her transplant surgery, when she told us she'd be fine with her sister, her grandmother, and God, I heard. But I didn't listen. And when Tim, her husband said, "I'm getting ready to blow my brains," I heard yet didn't believe it.
Acupuncture 101...What it is and how it works
Join Angie and her guest, and personal Acupuncturist of more than ten years, Dr. Ray Mazon. Dr. Ray is a certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM). Listen in to this educational program as they delve into the healing properties of Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine that has been in practice for thousands of years.
Ordinary People having Extraordinary Experiences
Join me today as I share the experiences of people from all over the world who have had unexplainable and extraordinary experiences as they pertain to their loved ones who have died. It's up to us to decide whether we want to believe these people or just label it all wishful thinking and sheer coincidence.
April showers bring May flowers...What death teaches us about life
I hope you will join me as I share how the month of April can just plain suck if allowed and how I choose to navigate these significant dates when they creep up.
Murder to Miracles: 2 Brothers. A Pearson Project
Listen in as Kenaé and Kodi, twin sisters, found a way to turn their hurt and pain into healing. These sister's lives took a turn for the worst when their Father and Uncle both were brutally murdered.
From Grief to Grateful. Choosing to follow the breadcrumbs
I invite you to join me as I discuss the personal steps I took to move from the debilitating and paralyzing pain of loss to one which includes joy and hope. It has not been easy. There are days I still find myself curled up in the fetal position unable to move missing the physical presence of my loved ones. These days, however, are far and few between now.
Miracles in Meditation with Jason Stephenson
Join my guest, Jason Stephenson and me for a delightful, positive and fun show as we discuss meditation, hypnosis, and its healing powers. This one single man, all the way from Australia, discusses his passion and purpose which has lead to profound healing and growth for so many.
A Soul's Journey After Suicide with Dr. Joe Gallenberger - Part II
Part II - Continued from November 21st. When his beloved brother Peter committed suicide, psychotherapist Joe Gallenberger met his grief with courage, and open-minded curiosity. Using tools learned at The Monroe Institute (TMI), and affirming that “love can pierce any veil,” he was soon able to contact Peter on the “other side.”
Left behind...When a loved one takes their life. Part I
Join Dr. Joseph Gallenberger and me in Part I of a two-part series as we explore the taboo subject of suicide and the overwhelming grief, anger, and guilt our loved ones leave in the wake of their choice not only for those left behind but the despair for the individual as well.
FEAR-Less: Timeless wisdom for modern worries
Living beyond fear, anxiety, anger, and addiction. Join me and Dean Sluyter as we navigate through the fear. Dean will offer a few simple techniques and tweaks to help us to live, instead, with a deep and relaxed confidence.
When GRIEF becomes an ADDICTION
The loss of someone is extremely personal and very difficult. It can paralyze even the strongest if not careful. In this episode, Angie shares unhealthy versus healthy grief and offers her listeners a few pearls which may help lessen the burden of feelings of loneliness, heartache, and loss of identity.
Finding our own way through loss
Angie explores the universal experience of navigating the five stages of grief: denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance.